If you are bothered by your breast implant, breast implant explantation can be performed in our private fully accredited surgery center. Many of our patients with breast implant illness benefits from breast implant explantation or removal. Explantation of breast implants can be either a cosmetic procedure, a medically necessary procedure, or some combination of those. If your breast implants have ruptured or caused high-grade capsular contracture, your insurance company may partially cover a portion of your fees. Insurance may cover costs of explantation if there is medical necessity and if complications of cosmetic surgery are excluded. If you would like your implants removed for cosmetic reasons, the price of the procedure will depend on the expertise of the surgeon and your geographic location
It is usually important to have the capsule removed (the scar tissue around the implant) in order to avoid infection or seroma. Costs depend on the surgery fee ($3500 to $6000) plus operating room and anesthesia fees. There may be other fees depending on your situation. Drains are usually needed for 4 to 7 days in order to avoid fluid collections. Its best to schedule a consultation with one of our board certified plastic surgeons.
All data and information provided within this website and related blog is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Georgia Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, PC makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Treatment information and medical recommendations must be made on a case-by-case basis; it is recommended that you seek personalized care from a board certified medical doctor for any medical questions or health issues you may have. Some photos in this website feature models for illustrative purposes. Photos of actual patients can be found in the before and after photo gallery.