
Lose the Double Chin with Kybella ™

If you are among the thousands of people who are bothered by double chin or Submental fullness and don’t want surgery, Kybella ™ may be right for you. Submental fullness is fat under-the-chin.

What is Kybella ™?

Kybella ™ is a simple non-surgical & non-invasive series of injections to dissolve fat under the chin or  with no downtime. It is the first injectable substance FDA approved for the treatment of double chin.

Kybella™ injections disrupt the fat cell membrane which causes the fat to break apart.  Within a few weeks, the body reabsorbs the contents of the fat cells leaving a slimmer well defined jawline.  Kybella™ is now available to our patients at Georgia Plastic!

Why do I have a double chin or Submental fullness ?

There are many causes of double chin in both men and women. The most common causes of double chin are aging, genetics and weight gain.  In a recent survey, 68% of people were bothered by double chin.  Sometimes submental fullnees does not go away with diet and exercise.  Patient who were treated with Kybella™ reported improvement in self-perception, including feeling happier and younger based on their chin profile, as well as feeling less embarrassed, less self-conscious, and less overweight.

Who is a candidate for Kybella™?

Kybella™ may be right for you, if

  • You are bothered by double chin or Submental fullness
  • Your double chin makes you look older or heavier
  • You have tried diet and exercise & it did work
  • You don’t want surgery
  • You are over 18 years of age
  • You are not pregnant or breast feeding

Kybella™ cannot be used if you have an active infection at the injection site. You need consultation before you can get Kybella ™

What about results?

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend a series of 3-6 treatments with Kybella™. The treatments are given once a month.  You may experience swelling and tenderness after each treatment for a few days while the body breaks down and absorbs the fat cells

How does it work?

Kybella™ is a non human and non animal formulation of Deoxycholic acid, a naturally occuring molecule in the body that aides in the breakdown and absorbtion of dietery fat. Once injected under the chin, Kybella™ destroys fat cells. Once destroyed by Kybella™, those cells can longer store or accumulate fat. You will notice a better jaw line in the months that follow Kybella™ treatment. No surgery, no downtime, and no double chin!

How to get started?

Call our office today to book your confidential consultation.

What if I don’t want Kybella?

We offer many options for double chin or submental fullness such as CoolsculptingExilisThermiTightUltherapySmartLipoLiposuctionFacetite, and Necklift. Our Plastic Surgeons will examine you and recommend the best treatment for you.

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