When it comes to the world of plastic surgery, there are new innovations that are happening every day in the field. There are sure to be procedures that are new to you, some that may be exactly what you are looking for when you want to enhance one of the features of your body. Fat transfer is gaining in popularity, creating a positive buzz in the community of plastic surgeons as an effective, less invasive procedure that produces exciting results. It has many uses that can help you to sculpt your body or reverse signs of aging on your face.
What’s the Story Behind a Fat Transfer?
A fat transfer is exactly what it says. It’s a transfer of fat from one part of your body to another part of your body. Think of the beauty of getting rid of fat that you don’t need and putting it to good use somewhere else. It’s like that age-old expression, “You get to kill two birds with one stone.”
Fat transfer is a popular approach when it comes to breast augmentation to give you more volume in your breasts. It’s also effective when used for a Brazilian butt lift to give your buttocks a boost. It can even be used to correct facial deformities caused by aging.
What Happens During a Fat Transfer Procedure?
Our skilled plastic surgeon will pinpoint areas on your body where you have excess, unwanted fat. Your abdomen, your buttocks and your hips are usually ideal when it comes to harvesting fat. A gentle liposuction method is used to have the fat removed. The fat is then purified before it can be prepared for injection into whatever area you need.
Whether you want to give yourself a fuller, rounder bottom, you think it’s time to go up a cup size in bras, or you want to fill in deep wrinkles on your face, fat transfer is effective. One of the greatest advantages of a fat transfer is the fact that you are using a natural substance that comes from your own body and the results will last.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About a Fat Transfer
If you think a fat transfer is right for you, set up a consultation to discuss it with our plastic surgeon at Georgia Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Marietta and Atlanta. Discuss your areas of concern and find out more details about the procedure, as well as the recovery process.
Our plastic surgeon may be able to perform this outpatient procedure to give you the results you are looking for. It all begins when you take that step and make your appointment to learn about all of the ins and outs of fat transfer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.