Unsightly scars on the face are far more visible than on any other part of the body and, at the same time, potentially more difficult to remove because of the delicate tissue. For scar revision in Atlanta GA, plastic surgeon Dr. Stanley Okoro offers a skilled and technical – yet equally compassionate – approach. Dr. Okoro has extensive experience in performing facial reconstructive procedures, so he is especially qualified to aid men and women who require precise and aesthetically pleasing results after a traumatic injury, birth defect, or facial abnormality.
In Atlanta, scar removal (or revision) may require a combination of techniques depending upon the size and severity of the scar. Dr. Okoro may use topical, injectable (to fill concave scars) or surface treatments (such as chemical peels, or bleaching agents). Deep scars may need to be treated surgically for best results. Scars may not be completely removed with treatment. The goal of scar revision is to improve the appearance of the scar either by disguising it, relocating it, or minimizing its prominence.
Scar revision, when performed by a qualified surgeon, can improve self-confidence
The majority of cosmetic surgery is elective, so insurance plans don’t usually cover it. However, there are exceptions. Some reconstructive procedures may be covered by your health insurance. Remember, plastic surgery covers a broad area of medicine which includes both reconstructive procedures and cosmetic procedures. If your procedure is medically indicated, some portion of the cost may be covered. Our office accepts insurance in applicable cases and will, if you wish, contact your insurance company to find out if your procedure will be covered.
Many patients prefer to use their credit card for payment. We accept most of the major credit cards.
Only after a complete evaluation, discussing the specific procedure or procedures which interest you and determining the extent of the proposed surgery, and surgery location, can we tell you how much your procedure will cost. At the time of your consultation, all fees will be outlined so that you have no surprises following surgery.
If you would like to schedule a confidential consultation for scar revision at our plastic surgery practice please call us or email us today!