You want a butt that really looks good no matter what you are wearing. You want it to have volume and firmness. You can’t exercise your way to an enhanced butt and supports that you wear are only temporary. If you want permanent results when it comes to enhancing your buttocks, butt injections with a fat transfer is a popular approach that could work for you. Best of all, you’ll be able to turn unwanted fat into something positive when you transfer it to your buttocks.
Make Good Use of Your Excess Fat
If you are like so many others, you have some fat to spare on your body. You could be at your ideal weight and be in great shape, yet still have some resistant fat that is clinging to your stomach or your hips. Wherever that excess fat, there’s no reason to waste it. Why let that fat hang around when our plastic surgeon can harvest it and transfer it to your buttocks?
The first step to butt injections is to choose the best area to harvest fat from your body. Get ready to say goodbye to that fat when it is removed from your body. A purification process ensures that it will be safe to transfer the fat to your buttocks. The final step is to prepare the fat for injection into your butt to give you the volume that you need.
Enjoy Natural Results that Look and Feel Like the Real Deal
Once your fat transfer procedure is over, you’ll have a short recovery time and you’ll be able to reap the rewards of your procedure as you see how your fuller buttocks look in whatever you decide to wear. You’ll love how your buttocks feel as you use natural fat to make them look their best.
You’ll have less of a risk of complications when you use a substance that is natural and comes from your body to give you the desired results. You can have the buttocks you’ve been waiting for and you don’t have to use anything artificial. Our talented plastic surgeon can help you to make that transformation happen.
Talk to Our Doctor About Using Your Fat for Butt Injections
If you don’t want an involved surgical procedure and you want to get rid of unwanted fat, a fat transfer with butt injections could be the solution that you need. Make an appointment at Georgia Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to discuss a fat transfer procedure. Make sure that you are a good candidate and ask any questions that you may have about transforming your unnecessary fat into the buttocks you have always wanted to see.
If you are good to go, you can move forward with your procedure. All it takes is an outpatient visit to give you great buttocks. We have offices in Marietta and Atlanta. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for butt injections.